Neutral paint colors don’t just sell homes, research shows that they actually have the power to get you more for your home! While many people think neutral paint color simply means a shade of white, they couldn’t be further from the truth. Experts recommend you aim for aim a shade that is light and natural, but also has enough personality to draw buyers in and make a statement.
“Warmer” tones tend to be more intimate and are made with oranges, yellows and reds, while “cooler” tones are made with grays, greens, blues, and light purples, and can often make spaces feel larger. Gray is so undecided popular, paint companies like Sherwin Williams and Benjamin Moore make over 100 shades of gray.
Since there are thousands to choose from, we researched and picked a few to help get your painting project inspired. Click the links to find out where you can pick up these paint colors.
Tags: DIY, home improvement, neutral paint
Categories: DIY, Home Improvement, Shorewest Tips
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